heart attack

A digital scan depicts the brain in blue, with an area on the right side a shade of red, showing the site of a stroke. (Photo: Thinkstock)

Stroke Awareness Month

“BE FAST” to Recognize Stroke Signs Many people have become familiar with the FAST acronym for identifying acute stroke symptoms. But a recently expanded version of the acronym can make it easier for those witnessing an acute stroke to identify it in nearly all cases. BE
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Fresh fruits and veggies are high in vitamins and fiber and low in fat. (Photo: Shutterstock)

American Heart Month

Want to Eat Better? Shop Like a Cardiologist Many of us vowed to eat more healthfully in the new year but, one month later, are still struggling to take that first step. February is American Heart Month, so here are some grocery store guidelines to reduce the amount of fat, sugar
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