high blood pressure

Concerned young black woman suffering pain in chest while sitting on couch. (Photo: Getty Images)

Not So Sweet?

New research from the Cleveland Clinic into the sweetener xylitol raises questions about its impact on heart health. Xylitol is often in sugar-free sweets.
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Two Hispanic parents with their son and daughter on bikes in a park on a path in the woods. (Photo: Getty Images)

Family Health

Health & Fitness Plan Benefits Young & Old Many people think about ways to stay physically fit as individuals. But what about creating a health and fitness plan for the entire family?   Much like having a regular family dinner, scheduling time for physical activity
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Illustration of old man with puzzle pieces floating out of head. (Photo: Gert Altmann/Pixabay)

Slow Down

Take Steps to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common type of dementia. It slowly kills brain cells and is the fifth-leading cause of death for Americans age 65 and older. But contrary to popular belief, steps can be taken to slow it down. &nbs
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