facial droop

In an emergency situation, dial 9-1-1 first then assess the three essentials of airway, breathing and circulation, often referred to as the ABCs. (Photo GummyBone/Getty Images)

Emergency Response

The ABCs of Handling Emergency Situations Emergency situations are always stressful, but knowing how to respond at such a time can greatly reduce the anxiety so that everyone involved can get through it safely. Whether it is a traumatic event, an accidental ingestion, a
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A digital scan depicts the brain in blue, with an area on the right side a shade of red, showing the site of a stroke. (Photo: Thinkstock)

Stroke Awareness Month

“BE FAST” to Recognize Stroke Signs Many people have become familiar with the FAST acronym for identifying acute stroke symptoms. But a recently expanded version of the acronym can make it easier for those witnessing an acute stroke to identify it in nearly all cases. BE
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