energy drinks

Two women at a coffee shop drinking coffee out of paper cups. (Photo: Getty Images)

All in Moderation

Anxious? Cut Down on Caffeine Caffeine can boost energy, improve alertness and produce a general feeling of well-being – when used in moderation.   Go past the sweet spot though, and that same elixir can cause insomnia, jitteriness and feelings of nervousness. Those who
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Doctors warn that unless you are exercising intensely for 45 minutes or more, water is better than sports drinks for rehydration. (Photo: Thinkstock)

Water vs. Sports Drinks

Water Beats Sports Drinks for Athletes Many people associate playing sports with drinking sports drinks – in some cases because it is what they see the professionals do. The problem is, most recreational athletes don’t play at an intensity or for a duration that would require
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A Mayo Clinic study showed energy drinks could lead to heart problems. (Illustration: Sam Wooley)

New Study

Energy Drinks May Cause Heart Problems We’ve all heard that “Red Bull give you wings,” but could it and other energy drinks like Monster, Rockstar and 5-Hour Energy also give you a heart attack? Some say the caffeine-packed drinks give them energy, but for
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