Journal of the American Medical Association

A Mayo Clinic study showed energy drinks could lead to heart problems. (Illustration: Sam Wooley)

New Study

Energy Drinks May Cause Heart Problems We’ve all heard that “Red Bull give you wings,” but could it and other energy drinks like Monster, Rockstar and 5-Hour Energy also give you a heart attack? Some say the caffeine-packed drinks give them energy, but for
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New guidelines also suggest a woman be able to get her first mammogram as early as 40. (Photo: Shutterstock)

New Guidelines

ACS Recommends First Mammogram at 45 The American Cancer Society’s new breast cancer screening guidelines could cause many women to wonder when they should have their first mammogram. The society now recommends that all women begin having yearly mammograms at age 45, and switch
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Monitoring your own blood pressure at home is easy to do, as long as you keep a few basics in mind. (Photo: NPR)

Healthy You

The ‘Right Way’ to Take Blood Pressure For millions of Americans, checking blood pressure is not something reserved for an annual medical visit. Because one in three American adults suffers from high blood pressure, regular and accurate blood pressure checks are
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