abdominal pain

Two women at a coffee shop drinking coffee out of paper cups. (Photo: Getty Images)

All in Moderation

Anxious? Cut Down on Caffeine Caffeine can boost energy, improve alertness and produce a general feeling of well-being – when used in moderation.   Go past the sweet spot though, and that same elixir can cause insomnia, jitteriness and feelings of nervousness. Those who
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Americans develop more than 50 million cases of foodborne illnesses each year. (Photo: Thinkstock)

Food Poisioning

Foodborne Illness Is Often Avoidable Each year, Americans develop more than 50 million cases of foodborne illness. While some are caused by eating out, like the recent outbreak of more than 135 cases of norovirus at the Chipotle in Sterling, Va., others originate in home
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