
Two women at a coffee shop drinking coffee out of paper cups. (Photo: Getty Images)

All in Moderation

Anxious? Cut Down on Caffeine Caffeine can boost energy, improve alertness and produce a general feeling of well-being – when used in moderation.   Go past the sweet spot though, and that same elixir can cause insomnia, jitteriness and feelings of nervousness. Those who
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Man with shopping bag bored while woman searches clothes rack. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Shopping for Trouble

Testing Your Partner’s Patience Couples enjoy doing things together. They often share mutual hobbies or find new things they like to do together. But we each have our own things that are totally ours. Maybe your significant other is a big sports fan. Or you are into celebrity
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Younger woman and older man sharing a milk shake. Photo: Getty Images

Love & Gold Diggers

The Benefits of Dating the Old and Rich Sorry guys — it has been scientifically proven that women mature faster than men. The female brain makes connections and “prunes” itself faster than the male brain, so to say men don’t act their age is a legit
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