Red Bull

Illustration of a man video chatting with a shirt and sport coat on but not pants, only boxers. (Graphic: Getty Images)

Love at First Zoom

How to Go on a Digital First Date It was a Friday night in the Bay Area, and Daniel, 25, was preparing for a first date. He fixed his hair in the mirror, put on his favorite dress shirt, made his bed (you never know) and sprayed a new cologne to set the mood. Daniel, who, like
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A Mayo Clinic study showed energy drinks could lead to heart problems. (Illustration: Sam Wooley)

New Study

Energy Drinks May Cause Heart Problems We’ve all heard that “Red Bull give you wings,” but could it and other energy drinks like Monster, Rockstar and 5-Hour Energy also give you a heart attack? Some say the caffeine-packed drinks give them energy, but for
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Energy drinks such as Monster, Red Bull, 5-Hour Energy and others can raise your blood pressure and slow your heart, according to a study.

They Aren’t Even Tasty

Energy Drinks Bad for Heart, BP: Study Americans’ consumption of fizzy soft drinks, on the decline since 2005, fell last year to its lowest level since 1996 according to Beverage Digest, an industry newsletter that publishes a similar report every March. But consumption of
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