Penn State Health MIlton S. Hershey Medical Center

A digital scan depicts the brain in blue, with an area on the right side a shade of red, showing the site of a stroke. (Photo: Thinkstock)

Stroke Awareness Month

“BE FAST” to Recognize Stroke Signs Many people have become familiar with the FAST acronym for identifying acute stroke symptoms. But a recently expanded version of the acronym can make it easier for those witnessing an acute stroke to identify it in nearly all cases. BE
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Doctors warn that unless you are exercising intensely for 45 minutes or more, water is better than sports drinks for rehydration. (Photo: Thinkstock)

Water vs. Sports Drinks

Water Beats Sports Drinks for Athletes Many people associate playing sports with drinking sports drinks – in some cases because it is what they see the professionals do. The problem is, most recreational athletes don’t play at an intensity or for a duration that would require
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Doctors say February's warm spell and March's cold snap could mean tree and grass allergies overlap in May. (Photo: cenczi/Pixabay)

Seasonal Allergies

False Start Means Unpredictable Season The good news for those who suffer from seasonal allergies is that the misery may be delayed by the snow and cold that crept in mid-March. The bad news is that those who are affected by both tree pollen and grass may be in for a double
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