
A woman with one leg crossed over the other knee massaging her thigh. (Photo: Getty Images)

You’re So Vein

Varicose Veins Unlikely to Become Clots Similar to leaky pipes, veins, as they return blood to the heart, sometimes fail to close completely. They stretch out and subsequently leak near the surface of the skin, creating spider or varicose veins that may cause discomfort. Dr.
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Ice hockey players should dress in layers, use the proper equipment and wear helmets to avoid injuries. (Photo: angel-beil/Instagram)

Use Your Head

Know Concussion Signs for Winter Sports Winter sports are underway, and with a recent increase in national attention on the possible dangers of head trauma for athletes, it is important for coaches, parents and players to recognize symptoms of a concussion and also help lessen
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A boyfriend shaking the hand of his girlfriend's father as girlfriend and mother look on. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Meet the Parents?

Prepping Your Partner to Meet Your Parents Holiday season is officially upon us. With that comes family time and deciding whether or not you are ready to introduce your significant other to the parents. But how do you know if it is the right time? It varies from person to person,
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