blood clots

A woman with one leg crossed over the other knee massaging her thigh. (Photo: Getty Images)

You’re So Vein

Varicose Veins Unlikely to Become Clots Similar to leaky pipes, veins, as they return blood to the heart, sometimes fail to close completely. They stretch out and subsequently leak near the surface of the skin, creating spider or varicose veins that may cause discomfort. Dr.
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Women account for two-thirds of Alzheimer's cases and two-thirds of all caregivers. (Photo: Thinkstock)

Sixth Leading Killer

Rate of Alzheimer’s Deaths Is on the Rise The rate of death from Alzheimer’s disease in the United States increased by more than 50 percent in the past 15 years, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In part, it is because Americans are living
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Symptoms of a silent heart attack may not be as prominent as a regular heart attack. (Photo:

Heart Attack or Heartburn?

Causes & Symptoms of a Silent Heart Attack It’s possible to have a heart attack and not even know it. Maybe it’s because you’re stoic when it comes to pain and fatigue. Or maybe you write off your symptoms as heartburn or indigestion. It’s even possible that your own body is
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