Color Blind
Behavioral Health care, blood essels, blue-yellow, Brain, brain esions, cardiovascular, Centers for Disease Control and Preventon, cigarettes, color blind, color blindness, color vision loss, colors, contrasts, damage, disease, frontal lobe, heart, inflammation, lens yellowing, lungs, macular degnerations, movement, neurons, neurotoxic chemicals, nicotine, Psychiatry Researcyh, red-green, retina, Rutgers University, schizophrenia, shading, smoking, Steven Silverstein, thinking, tobacco addiction, vision, visual acuity charts
Heavy Smoking Can Damage Vision: Study Smoking isn’t just bad for your heart and lungs, it can damage your vision as well, according to a recent study co-authoried by researchers at Rutgers University. The study found that smoking more than 20 cigarettes a day can damage Read More