Emmy Sasala

When approaching a new dog, always ask the owner or handler if you can pet it. (Photo: Matthias Zomer/Pexels)

Nice Doggie

Preventing and Treating Dog Bites Many of the 4.7 million dog bites that take place each year happen in the summer, when both dogs and children are outdoors and interacting more. While minor bites do not require a trip to the emergency department, it is a good idea to visit your
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Not all childhood falls can be prevented, but many can be. (Photo: Thinkstock)

Prevent Childhood Falls

Protect Your Child from Injury Due to Falls Some falls are just part of childhood. Learning to walk and nursing scraped knees are milestones that few kids escape. But more serious tumbles – from beds, stairs, playground equipment and windows – are often the most easily prevented.
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When playing or exercising outdoors in the summer heat, children should take frequent breaks and drink plenty of water. (Photo: Thinkstock)

Summer Safety

Protecting Children from the Heat Hot temperatures and high humidity can put nearly anyone at risk for dehydration and heat stroke, but children are especially vulnerable. A deadly phenomenon seen every summer is children being left in or becoming trapped in hot cars. These
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