
When approaching a new dog, always ask the owner or handler if you can pet it. (Photo: Matthias Zomer/Pexels)

Nice Doggie

Preventing and Treating Dog Bites Many of the 4.7 million dog bites that take place each year happen in the summer, when both dogs and children are outdoors and interacting more. While minor bites do not require a trip to the emergency department, it is a good idea to visit your
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Sharing responsibility can make your relationship stronger. (Photo:

Puppy Love

Sharing Responsibility in a Relationship Recently, I went on a date to watch Secret Life of Pets, and I immediately begged my boyfriend for a puppy. But sharing a pet with a significant other is a huge responsibility. It isn’t just fun and games. If you want to get a pet
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Doctors say it is safe to cuddle with your pet when you're sick if it makes you feel better. Pet's can't catch human diseases or transmit anything to you. (Photo: Thinkstock)

Puppy Love

It’s Safe to Cuddle with Pets When Sick This winter, when you are home sick with the cold or flu, cuddling with your dog or cat may feel like just what the doctor ordered. A Vanderbilt infectious disease expert, while stopping short of actually prescribing in-home “pet
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