
If your significant other has bad manners, you're completely justified in trying to change them for the good. (Photo:

Welcoming Change

Accepting Change in Your Relationship Change can be both bad and good. Naturally people change and evolve as we grow and gain more life experience. The same goes for relationships. After dating someone for awhile, you will be faced with a few obstacles that require both parties
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When approaching a new dog, always ask the owner or handler if you can pet it. (Photo: Matthias Zomer/Pexels)

Nice Doggie

Preventing and Treating Dog Bites Many of the 4.7 million dog bites that take place each year happen in the summer, when both dogs and children are outdoors and interacting more. While minor bites do not require a trip to the emergency department, it is a good idea to visit your
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More American women will find you more attractive if you have an accent. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Talk Sexy to Me

Americans Find People with Accents Sexy The results are in, and people with accents are more likely to be perceived as more attractive than individuals without accents. According to a new survey by, Americans find accents to be an aphrodisiac both on the streets
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