
Pumpkins are plentiful now and great for this soup. (Photo: Couleur/Pixabay)

Soup’s On

Souper Soups to Warm Up Your Winter The nights are drawing in right now, and the mercury in the thermometer is starting to fall — it is safe to say that winter is almost here. As we are about to enter the last month of fall, your thoughts will probably have turned to the
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Unless you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, doctors say you shouldn't be 100 percent gluten free since we need the grains found in wheat products. (Photo: Thinkstock)

Healthy Eating

Going ‘Gluten-Free’ Isn’t for Everyone More and more often, we see “gluten-free” food options on store shelves and restaurant menus. But what does “gluten-free” mean, and why have such products become so popular? Gluten is a type of protein which is stored,
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Neuropathy is when small blood vessels supplying the nerves get damaged by diabetes and begin to die. (Photo: Thinkstock)

Foot Pain

Diabetes Sparks a Rise in Neuropathy Autonomic and small fiber neuropathy used to be considered rare conditions. But with approximately 30 million Americans affected by diabetes – one of the main underlying causes for these diseases – it is an emerging problem. Both types of
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