
Man with shopping bag bored while woman searches clothes rack. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Shopping for Trouble

Testing Your Partner’s Patience Couples enjoy doing things together. They often share mutual hobbies or find new things they like to do together. But we each have our own things that are totally ours. Maybe your significant other is a big sports fan. Or you are into celebrity
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Man and woman standing in front of water in winter coats with arms crossed, looking away from each other. (Photo: 123rf)

Compatible Couples

Different Couples, Same Problems Some say opposites attract. Others say it is best to find someone with whom you share similarities. Whichever you choose, one is not better than the other. It is simply up to the individual and their relationship preference. Depending on which
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Constant fighting is a sign you may not be in a stable relationship. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Unstable Couples

How to Identify an Unhealthy Relationship Relationships are tough. You will have your ups and downs, but the core of it is always love. But there is a difference between normal struggles in a healthy relationship, and a constant drainage from an unstable relationship. They
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