
Someone having blood drawn fromtheir arm. (Photo: Getty Images)

From Needle to Vial

The Low-Down on How Blood Work Works Blood tests can diagnose disease, determine organ function and help your doctor see how well treatments are working.   But when it is time to get blood work done, some patients wonder whether it is really a big deal if they eat before
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A close-up of a blue eye with flecks of green in it. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Color Blind

Heavy Smoking Can Damage Vision: Study Smoking isn’t just bad for your heart and lungs, it can damage your vision as well, according to a recent study co-authoried by researchers at Rutgers University. The study found that smoking more than 20 cigarettes a day can damage
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Measles are on the rise in Europe. In the U.S. so far this year, the CDC has reported 124 cases in 22 states and D.C. (Photo: Getty Images)

97 Percent Effective

Immunization Best Defense Against Measles High fever. Cough. Runny nose. Red, watery eyes. It may not be the flu. It could be measles. Measles cases are on the rise in Europe, with more than 40,000 cases and 37 deaths in the first six months of 2018. In the United States, the
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