Skin Hangover
acne, alcohol, alcoholic optic neuritis, appearance, binge drinking, blindness, blood flow, blood vessels, bloodshot, blush, booze, brittle hair, capillaries, cocktails, dehydrate, eye, eyesight, flush, foundation, gin, green-tinted, Gretchen Frieling, health, hydrating serum, ice cubes, Makeup, moisturizer, nutrients, party season, pillows, powders, primer, puffy, radiance, redness, rosacea, sclera, skin, skin hangover, split ends, tannins, tea, tea bags, tequila, texture, vitamins, vodka, wash, water, wrinkles, wrinkling
Does Your Skin Have a Holiday Hangover? ‘Tis the season … for eating … and drinking. We are all aware of the effects binge drinking can have on our health, but that doesn’t stop most of us from overindulging during the party season. What many people don’t realize is that Read More