
Most smokers know that smoking causes breathing problems and lung cancer, but they may not be aware of the other health problems it can cause. (Photo: gunnerl/Getty Images)

Health Risks

Smoking Risks Are More Than Lung Cancer Doctors ask patients about smoking habits for the same reason they check weight, blood pressure, breathing and heart beat during a visit. The answers – much like the results of the other checks – provide information that offers clues to
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Lucy Alana Gnazzo kisses her son, Vincent, as he leans over her hospital bed. (Photo: Penn State)

Stroke Awareness Month

Strokes on the Rise Among Young People “I’m used to hearing that people in their 60s have strokes.” That’s why Lucy Alana Gnazzo was surprised to learn that she – at age 26 – had suffered a massive stroke. Gnazzo had a cerebellar stroke, caused by a blocked blood vessel in the
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A digital scan depicts the brain in blue, with an area on the right side a shade of red, showing the site of a stroke. (Photo: Thinkstock)

Stroke Awareness Month

“BE FAST” to Recognize Stroke Signs Many people have become familiar with the FAST acronym for identifying acute stroke symptoms. But a recently expanded version of the acronym can make it easier for those witnessing an acute stroke to identify it in nearly all cases. BE
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