Prescription for Health
Annals of Internal Medicine, asthma, blood sugar, change, chronic health condition, co-pay, complications, costs, deductible, diabetes, donut hole, expensive, fixed incomes, GoodRx, health condition, heart attack, heart failure, high cholesterol, hospitalizations, hypertension, insulin, Maria Mulder, Medicare, medication, Michele Haydo, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, out-of-pocket, pace, PACENet, Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease, patients, Penn State Health, pharmacist, pill box, pill reminder apps, prescriptions, provider, smartphone, stroke
Missing Medication Can Cause Problems According to the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease, almost 9 million people in D.C., Maryland and Virginia live with at least one chronic health condition, such as diabetes, asthma, heart failure, hypertension or high cholesterol. Yet an Read More