Quitting Cigarettes
#resolutions, achievable, advertisements, alcohol, Andrea King, ashtrays, biking, cancer, carbon monoxide, cigarettes, classes, commitment, counseling, cravings, cues, exercise, focused, gum, Hangover, heart attack, help, incentive, lapses, lighters, measurable, medication, new years, nicotine, nicotine-replacement therapy, organized, plan, quitting smoking, reminders, reward, running, setback, side effects, specific, stop smoking, support, swimming, tobacco, Univeristy of Chicago Medical Center, weight gain, withdrawal
One of the Toughest New Year’s Resolutions Most New Year’s resolutions fail. A study by the United Kingdom’s Royal Society of Public Health found that that “quitting smoking is the most difficult resolution to keep.” Only 4 percent of those who attempt to quit smoking Read More