
A woamn with acne on her face. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Preventing Pimples

Why Do I Still Break Out? As much as I hate to admit it, even with my plethora of products and access to doctors and treatments, I still struggle with breakouts. I know I am not alone, and there are definitely bigger issues in life than zits, but that doesn’t mean it is not
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Do you know what type of pimple you have? (Photo: Shutterstock)

Zit Face

How to Quickly Get Rid of Your Pimples What exactly is a zit, and do you need a product to clear it overnight or just to take the red away? Maybe your skin grasps onto concealers pretty well so it is not the red you need help with, but rather the bump from that pesky little guest
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You should wash your face before applying makeup to get rid of dry skin and apply moisturizer before applying makeup. (Photo: Deposit Photos)

Makeup Tips

6 Makeup Mistakes You Might Be Making Makeup can be a little mystifying. No matter how many YouTube tutorials you tune into or expensive products you buy, there are still things that always seem to go wrong. It can take thousands of hours of practice and lots of money before you
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