phone numbers

Out-of-town relatives or friends are often asked to babysit over the holidays. Have you adequately prepared them to deal with an emergency? (Photo: Stock)

Christmas Vacation

Is Your Holiday Babysitter Prepared? As parents tackle their holiday lists, one item may be especially important – finding a babysitter. Parents may ask friends or relatives, including those from out-of-town, to watch their young children while they shop, attend holiday functions
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Although blizzards like 2010's Snowmageddon aren't common in the DMV, it is still good to be prepared. (Photo: AgnosticPreachersKid/Wikimedia)

Plan Ahead

Be Prepared for All Types of Emergencies Hurricanes Irma and Harvey have left many outside their paths thinking about how they might prepare for a weather emergency. The DMV may not be located in tornado alley or the eye of most hurricanes, but its four seasons serve up plenty of
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Plan ahead for an emergency including upcoming bad weather. (Photo: iStockPhoto)

Plan Ahead

Emergency Planning Starts at Home Preparedness for an emergency or disaster begins at home. That’s the message officials are trying to convey during September, which is National Preparedness Month. “All families should have the same focus by having an emergency kit, a prepared
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