first aid kit

Although blizzards like 2010's Snowmageddon aren't common in the DMV, it is still good to be prepared. (Photo: AgnosticPreachersKid/Wikimedia)

Plan Ahead

Be Prepared for All Types of Emergencies Hurricanes Irma and Harvey have left many outside their paths thinking about how they might prepare for a weather emergency. The DMV may not be located in tornado alley or the eye of most hurricanes, but its four seasons serve up plenty of
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In medical emergencies, time is often of the essence. (Photo: Granite Falls Municipal Hospital)

Summer Safety

Preparing Home & Car for Emergencies Whether traveling or at home, there are things you can do before an emergency to ensure a swift response and a better possible outcome to your situation. Know when to call 911 Scott Buchle, program manager for Life Lion EMS at Penn State
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