
In an emergency situation, dial 9-1-1 first then assess the three essentials of airway, breathing and circulation, often referred to as the ABCs. (Photo GummyBone/Getty Images)

Emergency Response

The ABCs of Handling Emergency Situations Emergency situations are always stressful, but knowing how to respond at such a time can greatly reduce the anxiety so that everyone involved can get through it safely. Whether it is a traumatic event, an accidental ingestion, a
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Having whiter teeth shows you have great hygiene and also makes you look and feel your best. (Photo: SensitiveCare)

Pearly Whites

Easily Keep Your Teeth White I am someone who gets my teeth professionally whitened. It is just faster for someone with a fast-paced lifestyle like myself, and I can get awesome results within two hours. So for me it works, except for the fact that I am always left in so much
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When approaching a new dog, always ask the owner or handler if you can pet it. (Photo: Matthias Zomer/Pexels)

Nice Doggie

Preventing and Treating Dog Bites Many of the 4.7 million dog bites that take place each year happen in the summer, when both dogs and children are outdoors and interacting more. While minor bites do not require a trip to the emergency department, it is a good idea to visit your
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