
Make a few changes to your hair routine to help grow out your hair. (Photo:

Luscious Locks

How to Get Long, Luscious Hair Having long, beachy waves for the summer sounds appealing, but it actually takes a lot of work to maintain healthy, long hair. If you don’t take care of your mane, you’ll end up with split ends and won’t get the length you desire. Aside from basic
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A new study found that a handfull of almonds or almond butter daily can boost your Healthy Eating Index. (Photo: iStockPhoto)

Almond Joy

A Handful of Almonds Daily Boosts Diet Eating a moderate amount of almonds daily from childhood can drastically improve health later in life, a University of Florida study has found. “Almonds are a good source of plant protein — essential fatty acids, vitamin E and magnesium,”
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