
Make this birthday extra special for that special someone. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Birthday 411

Planning Your Partner’s Birthday Is No Party Currently I’m in the midst of planning the most extravagant annual event of the year — my birthday party. Party planning is no joke, and balancing work stress and this became too much so I’ve asked my boyfriend
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Moving in together doesn't have to be that bad. (Photo: Dreamstime)

Moving Arguments

You’re Going to Live Together, but Where? My friends are all moving in with their significant others. Whether it be an apartment or a house, deciding where to live is a big deal. But how do you tackle this issue? Pros and cons lists are a solid go-to. But if you and your
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Moving in is stressful, but there are many perks. (Photo: Shutterstock)


Are You Ready to Move In Together? You have probably heard the saying “you don’t know someone until you live with them.” The same goes for couples. While you are close, you may not know all of your significant other’s little quirks and weird habits,
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