
An African American couple holding hands looking at a pile of moving boxes. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Making Moves

Is Love Worth the Change? As we get older, relationships get more serious. Someone you would have casually dated in high school or college may not be worth someone you would be attracted to post-grad in the real world. But why is that? For starters, your taste can change over
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Moving away together may sound like a dream, but it is a lot of work. (Photo: Dreamstime)

Leap of Faith

Deciding Where to Move Together A change of pace is always nice, but often a scary to initiate. If you are single, it is a little easier to decide to get up and move to a new city. But even then, there are many factors to consider such as leaving family and friends behind. Add on
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Moving in is stressful, but there are many perks. (Photo: Shutterstock)


Are You Ready to Move In Together? You have probably heard the saying “you don’t know someone until you live with them.” The same goes for couples. While you are close, you may not know all of your significant other’s little quirks and weird habits,
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