runny nose

Measles are on the rise in Europe. In the U.S. so far this year, the CDC has reported 124 cases in 22 states and D.C. (Photo: Getty Images)

97 Percent Effective

Immunization Best Defense Against Measles High fever. Cough. Runny nose. Red, watery eyes. It may not be the flu. It could be measles. Measles cases are on the rise in Europe, with more than 40,000 cases and 37 deaths in the first six months of 2018. In the United States, the
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Tree pollen and mold are the primary allergens during the springtime

Sneezing Season

Mild Weather Could Mean Early Allergies For large sections of the country, the mild winter weather has meant that March did not come in like a lion this year. For most people, those warmer winter temperatures have meant a break from home heating bills and a chance to get an early
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Do you just have the common cold or a more serious virus? (Photo: Shutterstock)

Cold Season

Viruses Can Spread When Jack Frost Nips A cure for the common cold isn’t in the crystal ball of an infectious diseases researcher and physician at St. Louis University’s Center for Vaccine Development. “There’s not likely to be a vaccine or cure developed because colds don’t kill
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