
Bar Talk

Avoid Awkward Topics on First Meeting This week a story broke out that shocked dating culture. It starts off as your typical boy meets girl, girl gets free drink from boy story. But this time there is no happily ever after hook up. So this jus happened
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If you can't exercise during the day, park on the far side of the parking lot or a few blocks from the office and walk the rest of the way. (Photo: Getty Images)

Work It Off

7 Ways to Get Healthier While You Work The bulk of America’s workforce spends 13 hours a day or more sitting down. That number includes both hours on the job and time after work spent playing video games or watching TV. On the other side of the spectrum are employees who never do
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Reaching a relationship road bump? Sit down and talk it out. (Photo: Almay))

Step Back

Avoid Relationship Road Blocks There are many twists and turns throughout a relationship. The lucky ones are able to overcome any struggle or indifference. For others, it is harder to get over relationship problems. What are some relationship speed bumps that can make or break a
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