Eat This, Not That
almond butter, apples, back to school, banana, candy, carrots, celery, Cheetos, chemicals, chip, cucumbers, Doritos, Ezekiel bred, french fries, fresh, fruit, fruit cummies, fruit cups, fruit roll-ups, garbanzo bean salad, Generation Kai!, grape tomatoes, grapes, happy, healthy, healthy lunches, honey, hummus, Kai Nunziato-Cruz, kids, labels, Liz Cruz, Lunch Box, mangoes, nut butter, nutrition, oranges, Pizza, prepackaged, preservatives, protein, salad bar, snack bars, spelt pretzels, St. Daflfour jelly, strawberries, sunflower butter, sweet peppers, sweet potatoes, Takis, Tina Nunziato, turnips, vegetable, veggie chips
Lunch Box Ideas for Happy, Healthy Kids Hey Guys! Kai here from Generation Kai! Now that we are back to school, I wanted to take some time to give you some tips for making healthy lunches. I know it is hard taking time in the morning to make a healthy lunch, and I know how easy Read More