June 14, 2013

What to wear? The writer's variety of shoes (DC on Heels/Ko Im)

Standing in Stilettos

High-Heeled Pain In a world where some kill for fashion (“I die”), looking pretty from head to toe can be pretty painful at times. How long does it take before your feet start to hurt in high heels? Apparently 01:06:48. Researchers also found: 20 percent of women
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In medical emergencies, time is often of the essence. (Photo: Granite Falls Municipal Hospital)

Summer Safety

Preparing Home & Car for Emergencies Whether traveling or at home, there are things you can do before an emergency to ensure a swift response and a better possible outcome to your situation. Know when to call 911 Scott Buchle, program manager for Life Lion EMS at Penn State
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The Beauty ABCs

Now I Know My BB, CC and DD Creams These days cosmetic counter habitués are faced with a dizzying array of flesh-toned creams with double letter designations: BB, CC and now, DD creams, which will be hitting the U.S. market later this month. So what exactly do these creams do,
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