7 Proven Ways to Thicken Hair Naturally
If your hair isn’t as full and thick as you would like, there are some things you can do to make it better. Here are seven proven ways to thicken hair naturally.

Hair loss and thinning is not just experienced by men. Up to 60 percent of women experience some degree of hair loss.
(Photo: Shutterstock)
You may think that hair loss and thinning is only experienced by men. You will be surprised to hear that women know what it is like to lose hair too. In fact, up to 60 percent of women experience some degree of hair loss in their lives.
There are many causes of hair thinning. These include everything from a hormonal imbalance to high stress levels.
If you experience hair loss, you should consider what you can do to keep your hair looking thick and healthy. And yet, surprisingly few women know the natural ways to thicken hair. Don’t worry, you can keep your hair looking sleek!
If you don’t want to visit your doctor for treatment, you can discover more about how to thicken your hair naturally below. Let’s get started!
1. Eggs are the answer
How do you have your eggs in the morning? In the shower!
You should be putting eggs on your hair in the form of a hair mask. Do you want to know how to create an eggy hair mask? You beat an egg with a couple of tablespoons of honey. Later, add some aloe vera gel and a splash of vodka. The cheap vodka works fine!
Doesn’t that sound delicious? Well, it isn’t for drinking, it is for applying to your locks. Just massage the mixture into the roots of your hair with your fingers. Afterward, leave it for roughly half an hour. Your hair will feel pretty gross now. So wash it as normal with shampoo and conditioner.
If you want to thicken your hair, then you should do this about once-per-week. If that all sounds a little too complicated, you could just beat an egg with your shampoo. Then, wash your hair as usual with the egg-based shampoo.
2. Put on a hat in the sun
When you are out in the sun for hours at a time, you probably always remember your sunscreen to protect your skin. However, you may leave your hat at home because it messes up your hair. But, the sun’s rays can also damage the thickness of your hair.
If you want to continue to show off your thick hair, then you should wear a hat when you are out in the sun.
3. Get a scalp massage
Having a scalp massage feels great. But, there is also evidence that scalp massages can have a significant impact on hair growth. Apparently, roughly 3 to 4 minutes per day is enough to enjoy the benefits of thicker hair.
Just ask your partner to give your head a good rub each night before bedtime. Or, you can get a professional massage therapist on the job. How does this work? It can increase blood flow, which helps with the growth of your hair follicles.
4. The inversion technique
Have you heard of the inversion technique? It is not definitely clear that it actually works. But, you can certainly try it if you suspect it could help to thicken your hair. It is essentially turning your head upside-down. You should then massage oil into your scalp. This is again about encouraging the blood flow to get your hair to grow.
Average hair growth is approximately 0.5 inches each month. While the inversion technique says that you can see results of one inch every week.
5. Eat a balanced diet
Roughly 90 percent of Americans don’t eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables. Therefore, it isn’t surprising that people experience problems such as hair loss. We know that the lack of a nutritional diet is linked with hair loss.
Make sure you are eating plenty of healthy fats, such as nuts, protein, salmon and eggs. If you notice that your hair is thinning, then a poor diet could be the biggest underlying cause. If you want to know more about the causes of your hair loss, read more here.
6. Regular exercise
About 80 percent of Americans don’t exercise enough. If you want to thicken your hair, you hqve to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Hair thinning is a sign that you are not healthy. It could be that you are not working your body hard enough. You need to get the blood pumping around your body to improve circulation. It doesn’t matter whether you play tennis with friends or jog on your own, getting exercise is really important.
7. Mindful meditation
Up to 40 percent of people in the U.S. experience stress and anxiety on a regular basis. But, what does this have to do with hair thinning? There is a growing body of evidence that stressful living contributes to hair thinning among young people.
If you are feeling stressed from work or coming home to an emotional, intensive household, you could be damaging your hair, as well as your mental state. But, you don’t have to simply give up. You can practice some mindful meditation to calm yourself down throughout the day. Just 10-minutes per day can help you live without stress.
If meditation is not your thing, you could also try other calming techniques, such as yoga or listening to music.
Natural ways to thicken hair
Are you worried about your hair thinning? Once it goes thin, it may never return to its thickness again. But, it is reassuring to know that you don’t have to spend a fortune on expensive self-care products to keep your hair thick.
There are numerous natural ways to thicken hair that don’t cost an arm and a leg. You already have many of the ingredients and items to thicken your hair at home.
Do you have split ends? Check out our blog post to learn more.