Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Teens have a larger menu of substances that can lead to addiction than ever before, including cough syrup, alcoholic energy drinks or family members’ prescription medications. (Photo: Stock photo)

Teen Substance Abuse

Identifying Teen Alcohol & Drug Abuse The number of teens who abuse tobacco, alcohol, drugs and other substances hasn’t changed much in the past couple of decades — but for those who are prone to addiction for one reason or another, the menu of substances to choose
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To prevent heat stroke, athletes should be properly hydrated before practice and take frequent water breaks in the shade. (Photo Daniel Friedman)

Keep Your Cool

Helping Athletes Beat Late-Summer Heat As the summer is coming to a close, preparations commence for the new school year: back-to-school shopping, learning new schedules and classes and preparing for the fresh curriculum that lies ahead. But for high school and middle school
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There is concern about the effects of caffeine on children under 17. (Photo: Marriott World Center)

Caffeine High

Kids Should Avoid a Caffeine Buzz If you think you’re seeing more kids chugging energy drinks and sipping Starbucks than ever before, you’re probably right. While there is no hard data to support the whole “coffee will stunt your growth” line that grownups have been using for
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