
Make sure you use sunscreen with at least SPF 15 to stop sunburn and wrinkles. (Photo: Alamy)

Summer Lotions

Tan Safely and Smell Tropical This Summer I love summertime because I walk around smelling like a coconut mixed with tropical oils. That is thanks to the sunscreen I put on to be safe and protect my skin (any SPF lower then 15 is not really that good for you) and to feel like I
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Summer is here. Check out these must-haves to carry with you. (Photo: Shuttertsock)

On the Go

Beauty Products to Take Along This Summer With summer now here in the DMV, your tote bag is probably full of all your makeup products that you need daily from dry shampoos and concealers to leave-in wave sprays and glowy bronzers. If you want to pack only some of the necessities,
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Red and orange gummy vitamins spillingout of a jar onto a table. (Photo: Olly Nutrition/Instagram)

Yummy Gummies

Gummy Supplements Help You Stay Healthy No one probably gets all the vitamins they need each day, and there are tons of supplements on store shelves — regular, chewable and gummy vitamins can all be found in grocery and drug stores, as well as Walmart and Target. But which
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