Milton S. Hershey Medical Center

Summer Sunning

Good Sun Protection Comes in Many Forms Just as most people know there is no such thing as safe smoking, there is also no such thing as safe sunbathing or tanning. Exposure to UVA and UVB rays can cause more than just a sunburn or tan – it can lead to everything from wrinkles to
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When should medical professionals google their patients? (Photo: Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center)

Online Medicine

Should Doctors Google Their Patients? With the Internet and social media becoming interwoven into the current era of medicine, Penn State College of Medicine researchers contend that professional medical societies must update or amend their Internet guidelines to address when it
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Being too connected to electronic devices can be detrimental to sleep. (Photo: Penn State)

Want Some Sleep?

Charge Up by Shutting Down Bedtime hasn’t been this difficult since you were a toddler — throwing your tired self on the floor in a tantrum, insisting you weren’t ready for the day to end. With a smartphone in your pocket, an electronic tablet in your bag, and laptops and
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