Lyme Disease

The blacklegged deer tick can cause Lyme disease. (Photo: Penn State)

Lyme Disease

Tips for Avoiding Ticks and Lyme Disease When a mosquito decides to dine on your blood, you typically know it – there’s pain, itch and annoyance. Ticks, on the other hand, take a stealthier approach. They often burrow into hard-to-spot areas and hanging around for hours or days
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Mosquitos can carry West Nile Virus. (Photo: James Gathany/Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

Bug Off

Bites and Stings Can Lead to Other Things For many people, bug bites and bee stings aren’t a big deal beyond a small irritation. But for some, it could mean the start of a painful – possibly long-term or even deadly – experience. Despite their size, ticks, mosquitos and bees can
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