bulls-eye rash

One of the symptoms of Lyme disease is a bull's-eye-like rash where the person was bitten. (Photo: CDC)

Lyme Disease

Take Precautions Against Lyme Disease Recent reports have suggested that tick populations may be particularly high this year, leading to an increased risk of Lyme disease in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions of the U.S. Although it is unclear whether the number of ticks
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The blacklegged deer tick can cause Lyme disease. (Photo: Penn State)

Lyme Disease

Tips for Avoiding Ticks and Lyme Disease When a mosquito decides to dine on your blood, you typically know it – there’s pain, itch and annoyance. Ticks, on the other hand, take a stealthier approach. They often burrow into hard-to-spot areas and hanging around for hours or days
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