
The Dead Sea is renowned for its skin-rejuvenating properties. (Photo: Zaman Tours)

Dead Sea Beauty

Revitalize Your Skin with Dead Sea Minerals The Dead Sea attracts thousands of visitors to Israel and Jordan every year. The unique body of water is unlike any other due to its high salt content and lack of wildlife. Waders can float effortlessly in the earth’s deepest
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Make a few changes to your hair routine to help grow out your hair. (Photo:

Luscious Locks

How to Get Long, Luscious Hair Having long, beachy waves for the summer sounds appealing, but it actually takes a lot of work to maintain healthy, long hair. If you don’t take care of your mane, you’ll end up with split ends and won’t get the length you desire. Aside from basic
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This look is great both with and without bangs. (Photo:

5-Minutes Styles

Turn Your Bad Hair Day Around In a perfect world, we’d all wake up with pin straight tresses, perfect waves or whatever your hairstyle of choice is. But everyone has that occasional bad day when your hair just won’t cooperate. Not all hope is lost, however. There are plenty of
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