Penn state

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. (Illustration: Mark Heckathorn/DC on Heels)

Breast Cancer Month

Diet May Influence Breast Health Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in the United States. We’ve all heard that a healthy diet reduces the risk for breast cancer; but what does a “healthy diet” mean and why is it important? “One of the most important
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This year the flu vaccine is available in multiple forms. (Photo: Penn State)

Flu Season

More Options, Reasons to Get a Flu Shot There was a time when there were two choices when it came to flu shots: get vaccinated or not. This year, drug companies are not only offering the vaccine in multiple forms, they are also offering multiple vaccines. “It’s always been pretty
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Mosquitoes don't migrate very far, so just clearing out stagnant water will drastically decrease the likelihood of mosquito bites. (Photo: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Bite Me

West Nile Virus Usually Not Cause for Alarm Some people may be holding their breath wondering what recently reported cases of West Nile virus in nearby states mean for enjoying the last few weeks of summer. 2012 was one of the United States’ worst outbreaks of the virus,
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