
Asian woman wearing a white coat, sweater and pants talking on a payphone. (Photo: Jessica Wang)

First Impressions

5 Ways to Look Sophisticated on a Budget Although most of us deny it, I am willing to bet that many of us make judgments based off first impressions. It doesn’t mean these initial thoughts are the end all and be all, but they are important nonetheless. One of the easiest ways to
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Asian couple at a carnival. (Photo: Getty Images)


Can Men Escape the ‘Friend Zone’? A new dating study shows that men are more likely than women to be “friend-zoned,” and that it is often because they over-estimate their attractiveness and misread cues from their female friends. Friend-zoned is the term used for when
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Caucasin couple sitting at a table outside drinking cola. He is talking and she looks bored. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Cocky or Confident?

Where Confidence Draws the Line There is a certain allure to a confident man or woman. They seem to have it all together, and something about that is comforting and often sexy. Many of us lack confidence in the dating world, and share mutual unspoken insecurities. So when someone
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