
You don't need a boyfriend to land a New Year's Eve kiss. (Photo: iStock Photo)

New Year, New Boo?

Should You Ringin New Year’s Eve Solo? As we wrap up 2017, we might find ourselves revisiting the highs and lows of the year. If you have been in a relationship, you also might reflect on the good times, the bad times and what is yet to come. Maybe you have had a terrible
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Don't stress being single this holiday season - just switch up the conversation. (Photo: tinatin1/iStock)

Single Bells

Switching Up the Holiday Conversation You have successfully survived Thanksgiving, but with December practically here you are still in for weeks of family reunions and friend gatherings. Your family is prepared to ask you for your relationship resume and expects a full, engaged
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Is spIs splitting the bill the right thing to do? (Photo: Shutterstock)litting the bill the right thing to do? (Photo:

Check Please!

Is Picking Up the Check the Key to Love? We all know money and relationships can make life complicated. When intertwined, the two often lead to even more complicated situations. When it comes to dates, who pays for what? Does gender play a role or is that a thing of the past?
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