
It is hard to keep a conversation going with someone who completely turns you off. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Ultimate Turnoffs

A Turn Off Can Be a Real Deal Breaker Sometimes you date someone, and everything seems to be going okay until one day everything changes. Maybe you start to notice something about them and you just can’t put your finger on it, but it is a major turn off. If it is truly
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A mother's happiness in her relationship and with social support may affect a baby's fussiness. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Happy Mom, Happy Baby

Mom’s Relationship May Affect Baby’s Colic How happy a mother is in her relationship and the social support she receives may affect risk of infant colic, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers. The study sheds new light on the factors that may
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Live life in the moment and don't search for

Happily Ever Single

Memoirs of a Single Gal According to last year’s census, 109 million Americans 18 years and older are single. With such a high number, does this mean there are not enough happily ever afters out there for everyone? I have been in a relationship for a long time, so I had to
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