
Two couples dancing at a wedding, with a single woman off to the left dancing by herself. (Photo: Getty Images)

Fall Nuptials

Wedding Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts While wedding season is year-round, fall is the busiest time of year for couples to get married. The weather has cooled down, but it is still as beautiful as ever. As we fall deeper into this marvelous season, expect to have your
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Man with shopping bag bored while woman searches clothes rack. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Shopping for Trouble

Testing Your Partner’s Patience Couples enjoy doing things together. They often share mutual hobbies or find new things they like to do together. But we each have our own things that are totally ours. Maybe your significant other is a big sports fan. Or you are into celebrity
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Moving away together may sound like a dream, but it is a lot of work. (Photo: Dreamstime)

Leap of Faith

Deciding Where to Move Together A change of pace is always nice, but often a scary to initiate. If you are single, it is a little easier to decide to get up and move to a new city. But even then, there are many factors to consider such as leaving family and friends behind. Add on
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