
If you are looking for quality not quantity, take a break and let love find you. (Photo: Hill Street Studio)

Dating Sabbatical

Is It Time to Pause and Refresh Your Game? Recently, I chatted with a single friend that told me she wasn’t going to bother “looking” for the right guy anymore. In the past few months, she had gone on dates and talked to a few guys, but none of them were that
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Is it considered cheating if you aren't exclusive? (Photo: Shutterstock)

Catching a Cheat

What Is the Verdict: Innocent or Guilty? Flirting is a dangerous game. You never know someone’s intentions unless you straight up ask them. You can think they are into you, and they very well may be, but you might not be the only one. If you are being flirty and talking to
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Figure out your finances before marrying your significant other to avoid unnecessary stress. (Photo: Jose Luis Pelaez/Getty Images)

Marriage & Money

Is Good Credit an Aphrodisiac? When you marry someone you also marry into their life. You are welcomed into their family, learn their daily routine and, whether you like it or not, you agree to help them with their debt. While this isn’t something you necessarily agreed to,
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