New England Journal of Medicine

a bottle of aspirin on its side with pills spilling onto the table. (Photo: iStock)

Risk Outweighs Benefit

A Daily Aspirin Doesn’t Prolong Life: Study An aspirin a day may not keep the doctor away, according to a trio of studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Sept. 16. Instead, the Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (ASPREE) studies of nearly 20,000
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A study has found introducing peanuts early could prevent nut allergies in children. (Photo: Austin Family Medicine)

Oh Nuts

Introduce Peanuts Early to Prevent Allergy Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are a dietary staple for many children. But for others, peanut products can be life-threatening and are strictly taboo. A new study released at a meeting of the American Academy and Association of
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