
Danbi Shin (female) in NYC in front of an archway looking east, while Seok Li (male) in Seou faces west in front of a different archway. The two halves are comebined to create one photo. (Photo: ShinLiArt)

Long-Distance Lovers

How to Work the Distance in a Relationship Long-distance relationships are actually fairly normal nowadays. Before you would only find yourself in a long-distance relationship if your significant other moved away or was in the military. But since the miraculous invention of the
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Not feeling the dating scene? You aren't alone. (Photo: Getty Images)

Dating Fatigue

Are You Tired of Dating? You Aren’t Alone We all know the song and saying “love is a battlefield” — and isn’t that the truth? Sure dating is fun, but it can be exhausting. There seems to be a new dating app every day, but this endless pool of potential suitors doesn’t
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Show some love by helping out with dishes. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Compassion is Key

The Gift of Giving Leads to Forever According to a new study by psychologists at University of Rochester, compassion is essential if you are seeking happily ever after with your significant other. While this may sound obvious, there is actual science to back this up. Performing
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