
A form of saccharin could lead to the development of drugs that battle aggressive cancers. (Photo: Doug Dollemore/American Chemical Society)

Sweet Treatment

Sacchrin Could Lead to New Cancer Care Saccharin, the artificial sweetener that is the main ingredient in Sweet ‘N Low, Sweet Twin and Necta, could do far more than just keep our waistlines trim. According to new research, the popular sugar substitute could potentially lead to
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A patient receiving chemotherapy. (Photo: Burger/Phanie/Rex)

Cause & Effect

Clearing Confusion Around Cancer Causes Lots of things have been associated with higher risks of developing certain cancers. But there are very few things that have been proven to have a cause-and-effect relationship. “For 99 percent of people who get cancer – especially adults –
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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. A good time to get a mammogram or other screenings. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Breast Cancer Awareness

Information Is Power for High Risk Women Now that medical professionals have identified gene mutations that predispose for breast cancer, patients can take proactive steps to reduce their risk. Many cases of breast cancer seem to have no genetic link, but people with a strong
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