
Create a successful profile by following our tips. (Photo: Ace Nutrients)

Dating Profiles

Create a Successful Online Dating Profile Creating an online profile can be daunting. How do you avoid clichés such as “likes to take long walks on the beach?” With one small profile, how can you entice others to message you? What are the magic words that will get you that
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The Lulu Men of America map captures the characteristics of the men in our country by region. (Graphic: Lulu)

Men of America

About the Men of D.C. Guys seem to change from region to region. From the Southern gentleman to the New York City player, each city offers a different kind of men that share similar attributes. The DMV is no exception to this. Although each guy is very different, there are some
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Be careful with whom you sext. (Photo: Tom Jacobs/Pacific Standard)

Sexting Safety

Practice Safe Sexting The meaning and practice of sexting can vary from person to person. However, many perceive sexting to mean sending nude photos to each other. With the rise of apps like Snapchat, this can be done easily and efficiently, but it can be very dangerous. It is
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